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The Health Walker website provides a template for individuals or groups to monitor and track walking performance. Individual and group goals can be setup and managed.

Health Walkers also conducts a set of designed walking challenges throughout the year. These challenges are unique to Health Walkers and have proven to be very effective in helping motivate individuals. Health Walker challenges are constructed on leveled data and are designed to favor consistency and improvement and not athletic ability.

Our website can be used in conjunction with any pre-existing or new walking program.


Each individual account contains a suite of personal fitness and health modules consisting of "Simple" statistics calculated from the data that they have entered into the Health Walker database.

Tracking Modules:

  Walking   Strength   Body Weight  
  Jogging   Cycling   Blood Pressure  
  Flexibility   Swimming   Pulse  
  Aerobics   CC Skiing       

Performance Monitoring:

By presenting individual and club statistics in various ways individuals are able to develop a picture of their fitness activity and therefore gauge their fitness level. Dynamic graph and report building routines provide members with a flexible way to monitor their performance and make comparisons. Data may be viewed in the form of line graphs, bar charts or tabular tables.

Walking Events:

Members are welcome to participate in any of the unique individual or group walking challenges that Health Walkers conducts throughout the year. These challenges are simple yet interesting enough to stimulate motivation. Challenges last approximately five weeks per event and can be expected to produce increases in performance up to 15% during the challenge period. See Challenges page for a complete listing of available Health Walker walking challenges.

Goal Setting:

Goals and goal setting is a very important component of the Health Walkers walking program. Members may set their own personal goals or utilize those automatically established within the various walking events. In the individual "Walking Across America" walking program members select states one by one until they complete all fifty state goals. State goal distances are set relative to the size of each state.

Member Communications:

Health Walkers promotes support and communication between members and has provided various ways for members to establish communication and interact with each other should they desire. We provide a private message board which cannot be accessed by anyone who is not a Health Walker member.


Recognition is a vital part of any goal-based program. Members may elect to allow their accomplishments be posted within the website. As with the message board, these postings will only be available to members of the Health Walkers website.

Members may also elect to participate in our "Email Recognition Program". By participating in this program members will periodically be emailed announcements regarding the goal accomplishments of other participating members. Within these emails an email link will be included which will allow members to respond their congratulatory remarks directly to the member who accomplished the goal. In addition to receiving emails, emails will automatically be distributed on behalf of the participating member to other participating members when they accomplish a goal.

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