Testimonials |
Every goal is first recognized by a challenge. When we accept that challenge and strive to achieve that goal we will be successful in our accomplishments ... walk on HEALTHWALKERS!
I want to thank you for the use of your web site to help me lose the weight I was trying to lose. I encourage others to use the site as well. Keep up the good work. Yours is the best site of its kiind I have found anywhere!
Ellie has been a great motivator for me. I read about her in our newspaper the first year of Healthwalkers and decided that I, too, could walk. She has motivated me by staying on top of the list and also by personally encouraging me by e-mail. I have been going to Weight Watchers 2 years tomorrow. By walking, riding a bike, exercising and physical therapy I have needed to do I have become more athletic - at 56 years of age! Of course, diet also plays an important role. I have learned how to eat healthy and try to walk every day. The total amount of weight I have lost because of all these factors is about 72 pounds as of yesterday. I still have at least 24 more pounds to go, but I KNOW I can reach my goal. Healthwalkers has kept me accountable for recording activities and trying to maintain a status on the front page, even though I've had some surgeries and some medical problems during this time period. I also challenged one HW member to a goal to be higher on the first page by Dec. 10, 2005. I did win the challenge, but I actually think we both won because we are both more active because of this. By challenging her I have also gained a long-distance e-mailing friend. Keep up the good work! Thank you, Healthwalkers!
More than two years ago, when I was 68 I subscribed to Health Walkers with the hope that I could achieve the challenge you presented in your "Walk Across America" program. That goal has been reached by me and it can easily be reached by all who accept the challenge. At the age of 70, I believe that SURVIVAL is waking in the morning and walking toward a goal.
I usually try to swim laps 60 minutes a day in our pool, and find that the most exhausting of all the exercises I do, so I would think that would contribute most to my total fitness points. Last year, before the swimming category was created, I entered my swimming minutes in the aerobics category. I know that gave me points doing it that way. Your web site is a great motivator to get moving. I'm always challanging myself to keep my total “Fitness Points” as high as possible, and doing so has really improved my total fitness. I thank you for your web site!!!
This site is a great motivator. I have walked before but gave it up because I couldn't seem to get anyone else interested. People think I'm crazy for walking in all kinds of weather but I enjoy it. The summertime heat will be the hardest for me but with Health Walkers, I'm sure I'll keep going. Thank you so much.
I want to thank you for the use of your web site to help me lose the weight I was trying to lose. Now that I have met my goal I will be dropping out of your program. Thanks again. I encourage others to use the site as well. Keep up the good work. Yours is the best site of its kind I have found anywhere!
Thanks for the kind words when I met my 2000 mile goal. You asked me if it was all running. It's actually mostly walking. Up until a couple of years ago I ran all the time, but I now have arthritis in my left hip and was advised by my doctor to do more non-weight bearing exercises like biking and swimming, and less running. Thanks for developing this web site. It's very motivating and a great way to keep track of everything. My son introduced my husband, and I to it last year, and we both have really enjoyed it. Thanks again for the web site.
Thankyou for all of the encouraging emails I received yesterday regarding my first milestone! I am so excited to have made it in such a quick time! I am currently in training for the Avon Breast Cancer 3 Day and the Health Walkers site is a great source for motivation! Every morning after I get back from my walks I go straight to the computer so I can log my miles! Currently, I am walking an average of 3.5 to 4.5 miles a day. Next weekend I will be participating in my first 10 mile walk!!! I am a bit nervous about it but I feel confident that I can complete it. Thank you again for all of the support and kind messages!
I am so excited about joining Health Walkers. I've been a fitness walker since last fall. I try to walk at least an hour a day. I also do aerobics and/or weight training 5 days a week. I can feel my competative side coming out when I look at the miles logged in by other members. I'm ready to help my team when the next team event starts. Thanks for the support and keep up the good work.